WHAT IS "THE SYNTHESIS"? The synthesis is an objective analysis of political journalism, an assessment of the perception of the facts, a political digest for the common man. |
- Claire McCaskill says that in 9yrs. nothing really has been done in addressing the doubling of the deficit in relation to rising health care cost. She feels that the way Medicare is now written under Public Option legislation bills that cutting programs and adding more people is really just charging up the credit card and hoping that the reform balances out the debt to justify the expense. Yet she says there are no real, hard and fast predictable numbers, or models to support the legislation without revision. She supports the amendments from freshmen Senators to address these problems, yet she accuses Republicans of filibustering the bills, even when she acknowledges that there is no proven means to pay for the legislation and its interpretation currently. Republicans are digging in their heels, and just because they say no to Public Option as written, this simply means that they know that the results of this reform will take years to be proven if it's successful or not, and that the primary focus should be job creation until more time can be spent hammering out the current legislation and perfecting it before it does more damage to the economy than the good that's been touted that it will do, being dangled as "free health care" when it's not. The 14 new tax increases and the rising cost of covering more people may bankrupt 39 states within three yrs., and $160 billion off the top from the federal budget contradicts the Democrats' pitch that Public Option pays for itself, when as it is currently written, does nothing but legislate more debt and recession to an economy that is already job-depressed.
- Juan
Williams from NPR gives us the nitty-gritty on Obama talking out both sides of his mouth: Cheney echoes the reticent speeches of Obama, that his stance against theC.I.A . and military personnel belie an approval for 30,000 troops as one for political approval, not a position that indicates supporting our military or any clear strategy. This lack of strategy hinders the process, considering the costs of health care reform, yet even though Democrats say the Republican strategy for power is to kill the Public Option bills by holding the vote until 2010, we simply don't have the money to do both well at the present time: give health care to everyone while defending our very lives through our military. Chris Wallace watches this hot potato discussion, as defense budget is inclusive to our protection as Americans, as there are so many ways to achieve health care reform through revision. If the revision process is ignored, neither party gets what they want from bringing Public Option to the table.
- David Gregory asks the righteous question: how do we pay for job creation when Tarp funds aren't there? Romer is asked like 4 times if taxes are going to have to be raised for job creation, but Romer says that a combination of things must occur, as we aren't out of the woods yet! Wall Street is not to blame for the fall out or our economy/financial umbrella, though one huge piece of the puzzle is back in place after the bailout. We do know that our money has been used to impact nothing that saves jobs, as 40% have lost their job under the first year of Obama, being told that this bailout would stop the double-digit unemployment that we have now. Romer says that Obama inherited these problems from Bush, but the truth is that the fiscal decisions made under Obama's administration, particularly Geithner, have led to the Leno quip: "Spending our way out of a recession is like drinking our way out of alcoholism." Let's lay off the Obama KOOL-AID, shall we?
- Greenspan says that unemployment will be reduced by 2010, but by nothing that comes from the financial reform that we enacted, and unemployment is only expected to be reduced by tenths of points from what has already been done.
"This Week" with George Stephanopoulos
- George S. says: Democrats are not taking their due credit for reckless spending, job loss, and the growing deficit.
- The Republican stance on job loss recovery is a no-cost job creation plan, without tax increases, and whistleblowers on spending.
- George Will says that our economy has 3 problems:
- lending problems to small businesses/created by government doing business with banks, 0% lending, no risks
- consumer spending down/debt is up
- the New Deal failure/uncertainty in the market coupled with consumer pessimism
- Arianna, Huffington Post, is brilliant: foreclosure forecasts are wrong, we know this now that saying it's going to get better doesn't mean that it will when you don't end safety nets for banks. She implies the process is like the government is shaking hands with banks, not banks shaking hands with small businesses, consumers, and entrepreneurs seeking loans.
- April Ryan, the black voice, chimes in: 15.6% unemployment for African Americans is caused by not meeting the targeted approach to honoring minority contracting goals. She goes on to say that over 49% of African American teens are unemployed as well, creating a stagnation for her race's economy which limits its success within the framework of our recessive economy.
- Gillespie offers these solutions: create private sector jobs, invest in small businesses, and stabilize certainty in the market.
- John Podesta's criticism to the Repub. strategy: no cost = no jobs = no ideas, Democrat translation: no money spent = no work to be done = no contributions or actions; not this: we'll work with what we have and make more by cutting taxes, but we'll take more than we spend on creating jobs, as we're not getting paid any more to do what we should've done all along.
- George Will's suggestions is a lightly taxed, lightly regulated system produces jobs.
- Podesta disagrees, saying that his objection is that this did not work under Bush, Jr., who had the lowest job creation under the same approach. Yet spending our tax dollars without responsibility forces businesses to cut back and default on paying their bills, so we don't need 4,300+ stimulus reports to see that the stimulus is not viable; in the fact that 40%+ still lost their jobs and unemployment is still double-digit.
- Arianna says that the peace prize isn't a pacifist prize, and John agrees that Obama renigs on using Geneva conventions to deal with terrorism nationally, instead he sends 30,000 troops.
- April Ryan, the black voice, says: Obama is trying to prevent any future attacks on U.S. soil while using the troop increase to raise his own approval rating by not using drone attacks, though drone strikes have killed an Al Qaida operative this week; they do place innocent people in harm's way, rather than two military forces converging to battle.
- George S. switches the topic to McCain, and others, who say what's in Reid's mystery compromise to the Public Option? May we please see it??? George Will goes on to supplicate, saying that Public Option is on steroids! The appearance that it is strong and admirable is nothing but the Democrats' juicing! Democrats are still preaching historic and epic moments for health care by saying that some employers have agreed to the freshmen Senators' amendment.
- George S. asks the righteous question: "How is Public Option the Holy Grail?"
- Arianna says: there's no-cost containment or competition that Public Option as-written will provide for the legislation to succeed.
- George S. says that Public Option is a political motif for Obama's approval rating.
- April Ryan, the black voice, says that Obama's got to deliver on this promise more than anything else, more than financial reform and job creation, and more than the war.
- The consensus is that if Democrats fail to pass Public Option or workable legislation, and if it raises taxes and fails miserably, that they lose their majority voice by failure.
- George S. changes the subject to Tiger Woods. Tiger Woods makes it to "This Week" as the driving force behind the derailed Public Option reform, as he is the
pinnacle exemplary for moral decline, which is the micro to the macro for blame of our current economic plight. - Arianna seems to think Tiger has one mistress for every championship that he's won, and that we are to hear more sordid details.
- April Ryan, the black voice, isn't ready to accept that Tiger Woods is no longer the ethnic poster child for African American children to emulate as a hero and role model.
- George S. announces that he's is quitting.
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