Sunday, January 9, 2011





The Army’s legal department has now launched a full-scale inquiry into Obama’s lack of citizenship, since the Supreme Court has delayed the matter of swift justice for over two years now:
Officer's defense team demanding Obama docs

'I can't think of a single reason why the judge would take the government's position'

Posted: August 13, 2010
11:50 pm Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

The key defense attorney for an Army officer being put on trial for refusing orders he views as suspect because of the possibility Barack Obama is not eligible to be commander-in-chief is demanding documentation from the president.
On the G. Gordon Liddy radio show today, Paul Rolf Jensen said the request for "discovery" in the Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin case – the access by the defense to documentation in the government's possession that could help its case – is being submitted.
Jensen had been asked whether there is a legal basis for denying a defendant on trial on criminal charges legitimate access to documentation that would prove his case.
There's a new strategy to get answers to Obama's eligibility questions. See how you can help.
"We are today officially requesting that discovery," Jensen said. "If the government refuses to give it to us, then we will, a week from today, file a motion to compel discovery.
"I can't think of a single reason why the judge would take the government's position," he said.
(Story continues below)

The controversy stems from the Constitution, Article 2, Section 1, which states, "No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President."
A number of challenges and lawsuits have been based on the constitutional requirement, some alleging Obama does not qualify because he was not born in Hawaii in 1961 as he claims. Others say he fails to qualify because he was a dual citizen of the U.S. and the United Kingdom when he was born, and the framers of the Constitution specifically excluded dual citizens from eligibility.
Complicating the issue is the fact that besides Obama's actual birth documentation, he has concealed documentation including his kindergarten records, Punahou school records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records, Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, scholarly articles from the University of Chicago, passport, medical records, files from his years as an Illinois state senator, Illinois State Bar Association records, baptism records and his adoption records.
Lakin declined to follow deployment orders after he tried through military channels to affirm the validity of orders under Obama's command and was rebuffed. He had been scheduled to deploy to Afghanistan again.

Lakin is not the first officer to raise questions. Others have included Army doctor Capt. Connie Rhodes and Army reservist Maj. Stefan Cook. But Lakin is the first active-duty officer to raise the question.
In at least one of the earlier disputes, the Army simply canceled the orders rather than allow the argument to come to a head.
The issue of discovery in such a dispute is critical. The multitude of civil cases that have been brought over the Obama eligibility dispute all have failed to reach that process because of federal judges who have ruled on issues generally involving "standing." The judges have concluded that damages from an ineligible president suffered by the plaintiffs would not be more for them than any other member of the public, so there is not a specific damage or danger.
Jensen has explained that the Lakin case is different, since his client is being processed on criminal charges over the issue – a status that puts him in imminent danger of specific and personal "damages."
The courts already have shown a weakness on the subject of Obama's records. The discovery-of-evidence issue previously was raised in court byattorney John Hemenway, who was threatened by a federal judge with sanctions for bringing a court challenge to Obama's presidency.
Hemenway is serving in emeritus status with the SafeguardOurConstitution website, which is generating support for Lakin. Hemenway brought a previous court challenge, now on appeal, on behalf of a retired military officer, Gregory S. Hollister, who questioned Obama's eligibility.
The Hollister case ultimately was dismissed by Judge James Robertson, who notably ruled during the 2008 election campaign that the federal legal dispute had been "twittered" and, therefore, resolved.
Robertson sarcastically wrote: "The plaintiff says that he is a retired Air Force colonel who continues to owe fealty to his commander in chief (because he might possibly be recalled to duty) and who is tortured by uncertainty as to whether he would have to obey orders from Barack Obamabecause it has not been proven – to the colonel's satisfaction – that Mr. Obama is a native-born American citizen, qualified under the Constitutionto be president.
"The issue of the president's citizenship was raised, vetted, blogged, texted, twittered and otherwise massaged by America's vigilant citizenry during Mr. Obama's two-year campaign for the presidency, but this plaintiff wants it resolved by a court," Robertson wrote.
Then the judge suggested sanctions against Hemenway for bringing the case. Hemenway responded that the process then would provide him with a right to a discovery hearing to see documentation regarding the judge's statements – not supported by any evidence introduced into the case – that Obama was properly "vetted."
Hemenway warned at the time, "If the court persists in pressing Rule 11 procedures against Hemenway, then Hemenway should be allowed all of the discovery pertinent to the procedures as court precedents have permitted in the past.
"The court has referred to a number of facts outside of the record of this particular case and, therefore, the undersigned is particularly entitled to a hearing to get the truth of those matters into the record. This may require the court to authorize some discovery," Hemenway said.
The court ultimately backed off its threat of sanctions.
In a separate case, the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals threatened sanctions against attorney Mario Apuzzo. The court quickly backed off, however, when Apuzzo noted that under the rules of court procedure, being subjected to sanctions and penalties would give him the right to discovery in the case, possibly including Obama's birth certificate.
The Constitution requires a president to be a "natural born citizen," and, while the term is not defined in the Constitution, many legal analysts believe at the time it was written it meant a person born in the U.S. of two U.S. citizen parents. Critics say Obama clearly does not qualify under that definition, since he has admitted in his book his father never was a U.S. citizen. Some legal challenges have argued he wasn't even born in Hawaii.
Tim Adams, a former senior elections clerk for Honolulu, has said there "definitely" are problems with Obama's Hawaii birth story.
"As of the time I was in Hawaii working in the elections office we had many people who were asking about the eligibility of Senator Obama to bepresident. I was told at the time there is no long-form birth record, which would have been the case if President Obama was born in [a] hospital in Honolulu. There is no such form in Hawaii," he said.
In today's Liddy interview, Jensen said the government could invoke the "presumption of regularity" in defending Obama's status, but that would be considered a rebuttable presumption in court.
"In order to rebut that presumption, we [would] seek evidence [through discovery] that the president is constitutionally ineligible," he said.
Lakin confirmed during the same interview that he's received "overwhelming support" from many of his peers. But he was counseled by his lawyer not to discuss specifics because of the pending court martial, scheduled for October.
Jensen said it's clear that if the president had the birth documentation that reveals his status as a "natural born citizen," he already would have presented it.
"The president has been invited repeatedly to release his Hawaiian birth certificate. He hasn't done so. Lt. Col. Lakin wrote to the president before refusing orders. If the president were going to do that he would have done so already. [His decision] leads me to suspect he doesn't have [it]," said Jensen.
Lakin said the issue is the U.S. Constitution, and whether it is still controlling in the U.S. or not.
Jensen also addressed the issue of the threats being issued against his client by at least one senior Army officer.
According to the American Patriot Foundation, the threat came while Lakin was appearing for an arraignment just a week ago.
The foundation reported, "The afternoon before the hearing, LTC Steven Brodsky told LTC Lakin's counsel that Lakin must report hours before the hearing to his duty post at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in order for him to be 'transported under escort' to make sure he showed up at the arraignment 'to avoid embarrassing his unit."
The report continued by explaining that Brodsky is a judge advocate and his job is prosecution. "He has no role – or at least should have no role – in deciding the manner in which Lakin relates to his commanders, or vice versa," the foundation report said.
But, it continued, "Outside the courtroom, Brodsky went far beyond interference with Lakin's commanders. While Lakin was waiting near the courtroom, Brodsky and Col. Melanie Craig (Lakin's 'escort') stood around the corner in the main hallway and in voices easily audible to LTC Lakin, spoke about the need to prevent Lakin after the hearing from speaking to the media, 'signing autographs or kissing babies.' Brodsky then said to Craig 'just Taser him and throw him in the van,'" the report said.
WND contacted Brodsky, who refused to say anything, instead referring the inquiry to a public information officer. That officer declined to respond to WND's calls and e-mails asking for comment.
In the foundation report, Lakin said, "LTC Brodsky meant for me to hear those words, no question. When COL Craig returned to where I was, she said to me 'you probably heard all that, didn't you?' I replied it would have been hard not to. After the hearing, my lawyers asked COL Craig for permission for me to speak to the press, since both CNN and NBC had sent camera crews, but she rudely refused, and she ordered me back into her vehicle to be transported back to Walter Reed."
However, probably a more accurate Army opinion of Lakin was described in his commander's assessment just prior to Lakin's refusal to deploy over the issue of Obama's eligibility.
Col. Dale Block wrote, "Dr. Lakin is an extremely talented, highly knowledgeable senior Army clinician…he can always be counted on to provide me with expert advice…LTC Lakin is clearly one of the top clinicians in the Northern Regional Medical Command. He has superb clinical skills, rapport with patients and staff…Terry is the best choice for tough assignments. …Already on the promotion list to Colonel, he should be groomed for positions of greater responsibility."
The foundation suggested that those concerned about the situation should contact Maj. Gen. Carla Hawley-Bowland, and not the judge in the case, since Hawley-Bowland commands Lakin's superiors.
The foundation also suggested reaching Hawley-Bowland by telephone at 202-782-1104.
Lakin had posted a YouTube video challenging the Army to charge him over the issue. The 18-year Army veteran, decorated multiple times, could get up to four years of hard labor in prison and be dismissed from the military.
"The records Lakin seeks have been the subject of intense interest ever since the closing days of the 2008 presidential campaign when a document appeared on the Internet purporting to be a certification that Hawaii's Dept. of Health had records showing he had been born in Honolulu," the foundation supporting Lakin's case confirmed.
"Since then, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, the head of that agency, has made public statements on the subject, but has refused all requests for copies of the actual records in the department's custody. Recently, a former Hawaii elections clerk has come forward saying that he was told that the department's records showed Obama was NOT born in Hawaii," the organization said.
"The United States Constitution requires that a person be a 'natural born citizen' to be elected to the presidency. If Mr. Obama was not born in Honolulu as he has claimed, then he is unlikely to be a 'natural born citizen.' An examination of the records kept by the Hawaii Dept. of Health (is) an essential first step in ascertaining Mr. Obama's constitutional eligibility to hold the office to which he was elected in 2008," the foundation said.
The issue of the Hawaii records has been a volatile point in the argument. The state of Hawaii has gone so far as to approve a law that allows the state to ignore repeated requests for documentation about Obama's birth.
The state's governor, Linda Lingle, just months ago told a New York talk-show host that it was an "odd situation."
"This issue kept coming up so much in the campaign, and again I think it's one of those issues that is simply a distraction from the more critical issues that are facing the country," she said on the radio show. "So I had my health director, who is a physician by background, go personally view the birth certificate in the birth records of the Department of Health, and we issued a news release at that time saying that the president was, in fact, born at Kapi'olani Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii. And that's just a fact and yet people continue to call up and e-mail and want to make it an issue, and I think it's again a horrible distraction for the country by those people who continue this."
However, no news release from the state of Hawaii identified the birth location as Kapi'olani. And Lingle's statement also was contradicted by Fukino, who reported, "No state official, including Governor Linda Lingle, has ever instructed that this vital record be handled in a manner different from any other vital record in the possession of the State of Hawaii."
Critics also note that while the Obama campaign posted a computer image of a "Certification of Live Birth" online during the 2008 election run-up, the procedures at the time allowed such certifications to be issued on the sworn statement of a relative for a child not born in the state.
The issue of Obama's birth "in Hawaii" also arose after he assumed the Oval Office when a letter was revealed that purported to be from the president claiming Kapi'olani as the place of his birth.
The letter, dated Jan. 24, 2009, was used by the hospital at a fundraiser but later concealed.
A photograph taken by the Kapi'olani Medical Center for WND shows a letter allegedly written by President Obama on embossed White House stationery in which he declares the Honolulu hospital to be "the place of my birth," The hospital, after publicizing the letter then refusing to confirm it even existed, is now vouching for its authenticity, but not its content. The White House has yet to verify any aspect of the letter.

"As a beneficiary of the excellence of the Kapi'olani Medical Center – the place of my birth – I am pleased to add my voice to your chorus of supporters," Obama purportedly wrote.
The letter was referenced by then-Rep. Neil Abercrombie, D-Hawaii, during the Jan. 24, 2009, hospital dinner. Kapi'olani has said officials "know" the letter is real, but hospital spokeswoman Keala Peters refused to corroborate the content.
As WND reported, Lakin posted the video of his challenge to Obama to document his eligibility March 30.
In his latest video, Lakin said the issue of evidence is important:
Note: A legal-defense fund has been set up for Lt. Col. Terry Lakin.

Related offers:
There's a new strategy to get answers to Obama's eligibility questions. See how you can help.
See the movie Obama does not want you to see: Own the DVD that probes this unprecedented presidential-eligibility mystery!
Join the petition campaign to make President Obama reveal his long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate!
Want to turn up the pressure to learn the facts? Get your signs and postcards asking for the president's birth-certificate documentation from the Birth Certificate Store!
Send a contribution to support the national billboard campaign that asks the simple question, "Where's the birth certificate?"
Get your yard signs and rally signs that ask the same question – and make sure it's in time for the next tea-party rally
Get your permanent, detachable magnetic bumper stickers for your car, truck or file cabinet – and join the campaign for constitutional integrity.
Get the most comprehensive special report ever produced on the Obama eligibility issue.

For Immediate Release: – 08/11/2010
For Further Information Contact:
Philip J. Berg, Esquire
555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531
Cell (610) 662-3005
(610) 825-3134
(800) 993-PHIL [7445]
Fax (610) 834-7659
Berg Says Michelle Obama Celebrated, one last time,
in Spain with her friends and daughter
as She Knows Her Husband, Obama/Soetoro’s, Time
as President is Coming to an End
as he is forced to Quit
as He Will Admit He Was Born in Africa
and Adopted in Indonesia where his
name became “Barry Soetoro”
* * *
(Lafayette Hill, PA – 08/11/2010) – Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the first Attorney who filed suit against Barack H. Obama challenging Senator Obama’s lack of “Constitutional qualifications” to serve as President of the United States.
Berg said, “Michelle Obama Celebrated, for one last time, in Spain with her daughter and others as she knows that her husband, Obama/Soetoro’s, time as President is coming to an end as he is forced to quit as he will admit he was born in Africa and adopted/acknowledged in Indonesia and therefore, is not Constitutionally eligible to be President.”
Berg’s comments came as the controversy is building since Michelle Obama, her daughter and upwards of 40 friends traveled to Spain for a five [5] day vacation. The issues included spending money overseas when our country is going through economic turmoil; traveling overseas when she could have spent a vacation in the United States where her spending could have helped a local community; staying at a five [5] star hotel with sixty [60] rooms used for her friends, staff and security; and why she would travel overseas after widespread criticism when Michelle, her husband and two [2] children recently travelled to Maine for a four [4] day vacation and not to the Gulf of Mexico area.
Berg continued, “The pressure is building to force Obama/Soetoro to admit that he is an Imposter, a Fraud, a Phony and his tale is the largest ‘Hoax’ in the history of the United States, over 230 years. Actually, the pressure is building because the overwhelming evidence is that Obama/Soetoro was born in Africa and more important is the fact that Obama was adopted/acknowledged by his step-father, Lolo Soetoro, in Indonesia and Obama’s ‘legal’ name became ‘Barry Soetoro’ and there is no evidence that he has legally changed his name and therefore, every time he uses the name of ‘Barack Hussein Obama’ he has and is committing fraud.”
Berg concluded, “I am in the final days of planning for the largest March/Rally in Washington, DC in October 2010 to force Obama/Soetoro to step down from the Office of President, a position he is not Constitutionally eligible to be President as he is an ‘Usurper’ and he has led our country into a Constitutional crisis. When Obama/Soetoro steps down, all of the appointments and programs including ObamaCare will end because all of them are ‘voidable’”.
For copies of all Press Releases and Court Pleadings, go to:

Berg as Relator v. Obama – Berg Files a Petition for Rehearing En Banc

For Immediate Release: – 08/08/2010
For Further Information Contact:
Philip J. Berg, Esquire
555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531
Cell (610) 662-3005
(610) 825-3134
(800) 993-PHIL [7445]
Fax (610) 834-7659
Berg Files a Petition for Rehearing Court EN BANC
in the Case of
Berg as Relator vs. Obama
* * *
No Surprise that Attorney General Holder
Will “not” Prosecute “blacks” in Voting Rights Cases
as he has Refused to Prosecute Obama
in this False Claims Act Case
(Lafayette Hill, PA – 08/08/2010) – Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the first Attorney who filed suit against Barack H. Obama challenging Senator Obama’s lack of “Constitutional qualifications” to serve as President of the United States. The Policy of United States Attorney General Eric Holder not to prosecute “blacks” in voting rights cases should be no surprise as A.G. Holder has refused to prosecute Barack Hussein Obama in the False Claims Act [Qui Tam] case of Berg as Relator vs. Obama.
Berg said, “The United States Attorney General, Eric Holder, his offices and staff, including the Department of Justice have a clear Conflict-of-Interest in any type of prosecution against Obama.”
“This type case is usually utilized in Medicaid and Medicare cases where fraud is alleged. In the case against Obama, I set forth that Obama is not “natural born” or “naturalized” but an “illegal alien” and therefore, his term as a United States Senator from Illinois was fraud and the salary and benefits Obama received must be returned to the United States Treasury, an amount in excess of One [$1] Million Dollars. I base my claim on the fact that Obama was adopted/acknowledged by his step-father, Lolo Soetoro, in Indonesia and Obama’s legal name became “Barry Soetoro.” At age ten [10] when he returned to Hawaii, I allege that he did not go through U.S. Immigration on a U.S. Passport, but did so on his Indonesia Passport, therefore, an “illegal alien.” Also, I allege that “Barry Soetoro” [former Barrack Hussein Obama] has never legally changed his name and therefore, he has committed ongoing fraud by using Barrack Hussein Obama.
“The United States Attorney General, Eric Holder, reports directly to the alleged violator, Soetoro/Obama; gives opinions and legal advice to the alleged violator, Soetoro/Obama; was senior legal advisor to Barack Hussein Obama’s Presidential campaign; and served as one of three [3] members on Obama’s Vice-Presidential Selection Committee and thus a major Conflict-of-Interest existed and still exists with my, Berg’s, False Claim or Qui Tam Case.”
Berg’s False Claims Act [Qui Tam] Case was originally filed in the United States District Court, District of Columbia at the end of 2008. The U.S. District Court Dismissed the Qui Tam Action and failed to respond to the issue of the Conflict-of- Interest. Berg Appealed to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, who on June 30, 2010, upheld the District Court’s ruling and in so doing stated that Berg failed to demonstrate that the Department of Justice and the Attorney General, Eric Holder, have a Conflict-of-Interest. This simply is not the case.
Government employees are required to comply with the Code of Federal Regulations, which clearly spell out the issue of Conflict-of-Interest. Just to name a few, Eric Holder’s placement with Obama through Obama’s campaign are in violation of the Code of Federal Regulations; the fact Eric Holder reports directly to Obama, the violator, spells out a clear Conflict-of-Interest under the Code of Federal Regulations; the fact Eric Holder gives opinions and legal advice to the alleged violator, is a clear Conflict-of-Interest under the Code of Federal Regulations; the fact Eric Holder was the Senior Legal Advisor to Obama’s Presidential campaign violates the Code of Federal Regulations under Conflict-of-Interests; and the fact Eric Holder served as one of three [3] members on Obama’s Vice-Presidential Selection Committee are all clear Conflict-of-Interests in violation of the Code of Federal Regulations.
For this reason, Berg has filed a Petition for Rehearing En Banc with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. When a case is brought to the United States Appellate Court, the matter or a three-Judge panel hears matters complained of. When you request a rehearing En Banc, you are asking for the majority of active Circuit Judges to rehear the case En Banc.
Many Appellate Courts, who have a large number of Judges and a large caseload, will divide the Cases (Appeals) into divisions or panels for each case. For example, three [3] judge panels usually hear United States Appeals Court cases. There are times however, at the request of the panel, or one of the litigants, the case is later reheard by the full court, or, En Banc. En Banc is a French word that means “the full Court”. When a Petition for a Rehearing En Banc is filed, the party filing the Petition is asking for the Full Court to rehear the matter complained of on Appeal.
Berg said, “If a Conflict-of-Interest does not exist in this case, Berg as Relator vs. Obama, then the words ‘Conflict-of-Interest’ must be removed from the Code of Federal Regulations and from all legal and other dictionaries.”
Berg concluded, “If we are denied a rehearing En Banc, then I will take this Case to the U.S. Supreme Court as the issues presented are far too important not to address.”

For copies of all Press Releases and Court Pleadings, go to:

I HATE OBAMANOMICS: OBAMA'S GIVEN THIS AXE TO GRIND, SIGNS THAT THE SUMMER OF RECOVERY WAS NOTHING BUT SMOOTHING OUT THE STOCK MARKET AND STIMULUS HOG WASH: having a full-time job for bills doesn't exist as business owners don't have the money to train new workers to computers/job skills BECAUSE THEY HAVE NO BUSINESS COMING IN AND NO PROFIT IN 3 YEARS, and you're having to give up your own dream and having a small business for the same reason !!!

SIGNS OF THE GA RECESSION: you have a job that only pays your taxes, you have to get another part-time job to eat, and having a full-time job for bills doesn't exist because business owners don't have the money to train new workers to computers/job skills !!
RELATIONSHIPS ARE COMPLICATED BY THE RECESSION: How many people have had to postpone engagements, marriage, or even a serious relationship to an exclusive dating status because both people are so strapped, they can't afford a life together??


Just last week the Obama administration signed another bailout into law. It was a $26 billion bailout, with $10 billion supposedly saving teacher's jobs that were never on the chopping block. Out of that $10 billion, about $40 million will go directly to the teacher's unions - just in time for the elections. Much of this money was "paid for" by dipping into the funding for food stamps - ironic since they always accuse us of wanting to "starve the children."

The corrupt Big Government politicians aren't done yet.

Now they want to cut** another $8 billion from the food stamps fund to pay for a child nutrition bill that is at the center of Michelle Obama's "Let's Move" Initiative. The First Lady's initiative is a massive financial boon to the SEIU (again, just in time for the November elections...). It creates goodies like a "Food Service Management Institute" and "an open-ended green cafeterias pilot program" through a reauthorization of legislation from Lyndon Johnson's Big Government agenda.

There are 400,000 workers who prepare and serve lunch to kids in the US and the SEIU represents tens of thousands of them. They now want to use this money to hire and unionize more employees by creating year-round breakfasts, lunches,and dinners for kids as well as beefing up their pay and benefits packages, all paid for by us. Whatever happened to parents making sure their kids are fed??

Big Labor already has a lot of money, and now because of these two new bills, they'll have tens of millions more to use for November. Tea Party Patriots is fighting hard to stop the spending and to stop the runaway growth of government, including public employees and their unions, but we can't do it without you.

If you believe that we should fight back against these slush funds for the Left's favorite special interests; if you believe that our Republic is threatened by the absolute corruption and collusion that occurs between politicians and Big Labor unions, then please consider donating to Tea Party Patriots. Any donation, small or large, will help us stand up against groups like the SEIU.

**Nancy Pelosi frequently uses the food stamp fund as her go-to fund to "cut" in order to abide by the PayGo rule. However, these "cuts" are scheduled to take place in the future and they know these cuts will never actually be made.

You are the heart and soul of the Tea Party Movement. Thank you for promoting the causes of fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and free markets with us!

Owning Up to President Obama’s Economy … Where Are The Jobs?
Posted by Kevin Smith on August 12, 2010
Last year President Obama took ownership of the economy – “Give it to me,” he famously said – but more than a year later Americans continue to ask one key question: Where are the jobs? If the President owns the economy like he says, why does he and other Democrats continue their feeble attempts to pin blame on the previous Administration and shift attention away from their broken promises on the economy?
For example, on Monday the President said: “The policies that crashed the economy, that undercut the middle class, that mortgaged our future, do we really want to go back to that, or do we keep moving our country forward?” And last week, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said: “We are not going back to the failed Bush policies that left us with deep deficits, a deep recession, and the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.”
But a recent Fox News/Opinion Dynamics survey has some bad news for Washington Democrats:
“Fully 76 percent of voters think it is time for the Obama Administration to start taking responsibility for the condition of the economy. That's more than four times as many as think it is right to continue to place the blame on Bush (18 percent).”
Last week we found out that the U.S. economy lost another 131,000 jobs in July and the unemployment rate remained at 9.5 percent despite Obama Administration projections from its departing chief economist Christina Romer that the trillion-dollar ‘stimulus’ would keep unemployment below eight percent. When will Democrats finally understand that imposing job-killing tax hikes and continuing their massive spending spree is making matters worse, not better? Here are just a few examples over the last 24 hours of what President Obama’s economy really means:
New Claims for Unemployment Benefits Rise to Highest Level in Six Months: “New applications for unemployment insurance rose last week to their highest level in almost six months, the latest evidence that some employers are still cutting their staffs. First-time claims for jobless benefits edged up by 2,000 to a seasonally adjusted 484,000, the Labor Department said Thursday … Initial claims have now risen in three of the last four weeks and are close to their high point for the year of 490,000, reached in late January.” (Associated Press, 8/12/10)
July Budget Shortfall Puts U.S. on Pace for Record Deficit: “The U.S. government spent itself deeper into the red last month, paying nearly $20 billion in interest on debt and an additional $9.8 billion to help unemployed Americans. Federal spending eclipsed revenue for the 22nd straight time, the Treasury Department said Wednesday. The $165.04 billion deficit … was the second highest for the month on record … For all of fiscal 2009, the U.S. ran a record $1.42 trillion deficit. Fiscal 2010 might run a little higher—the Obama administration sees $1.47 trillion.” (Wall Street Journal, 8/12/10)
Job Openings Drop for Second Straight Month: “Company job openings fell for the second straight month in June, a sign that hiring isn't likely to pick up in the coming months. The data comes after a weak employment report Friday that showed businesses aren't adding enough new workers to bring down the unemployment rate, currently 9.5 percent. Wednesday's report, known as the Job Openings and Labor Turnover survey, or JOLTS, suggests that won't change anytime soon.” (Associated Press, 8/11/10)
Fed Sees Recovery Slowing, Plans to Buy More Debt: “The Federal Reserve, facing an economic recovery that it termed ‘more modest’ than anticipated, said Tuesday it will stop shrinking its huge portfolio of securities by reinvesting the proceeds of maturing mortgages in U.S. Treasury debt. The Fed move is largely symbolic and is unlikely to stimulate the economy significantly. But the shift in the management of its portfolio—and an accompanying statement—underscored Fed officials' concern about the vigor of the economic recovery.” (Wall Street Journal, 8/11/10)
Trade Deficit Continues to Widen, Points to Slower Growth: “United States is selling fewer products around the world and spending more on cheap imported goods, an imbalance that hurts the job market at home and means the economy is even weaker than previously thought. The trade deficit of nearly $50 billion for June is the biggest in almost two years, and economists fear that economic growth for the second quarter, which came in at a sluggish rate of 2.4 percent in early estimates, may turn out to be only half that.” (Associated Press, 8/11/10)
Home Foreclosures Rising: “Lenders repossessed 92,858 properties last month, up 9 percent from June and an increase of 6 percent from July 2009 … Economic woes, such as unemployment or reduced income, are now the main catalysts for foreclosures … The Obama administration has rolled out numerous attempts to tackle the foreclosure crisis but has made only a small dent in the problem. More than 40 percent, or about 530,000 homeowners, have fallen out of the administration's main effort to assist those facing foreclosure.” (Associated Press, 8/12/10)

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With 2/3 of Muslims in a recent poll showing their disapproval of Obama, Obama blithely goes on about religious freedom and a mosque scheduled for completion on the 10yr. anniversary of 9/11, only two blocks away......
Approve/Disapprove Pres. Obama handling mosque?
Your votes are shown as the selected radio buttons below. The total vote percentages are shown below each vote. Thank you for your participation!
Note: Percentages are based on total votes.
1. Do you approve/disapprove of the way President Obama is handling the building of a mosque near Ground Zero?

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1,753 Total Voters

Moderates have funneled money to Jihad, (knowingly or unknowingly), and leaders of that movement and because so many of these radicals are hiding in houses of worship (mosques), putting everyone peacefully worshiping at risk. That is why I don't agree with Obama, as radicals look at it as a triumph, to be in the same place that they staged the attack by going unnoticed there in a temple by other sincere worshipers.

They are doing the same thing with C.A.I.R. facilities, using them to meet and connect and train. I just think we're giving up more ground that we took back from activities like that. It is one thing to do it covertly in the U.S. and be found out, it is another to use our religious freedoms and tolerance, as they already did, to set up shop to do it again.

check out the douche of the day on GOOGLE BUZZ:

CREATIVE INNOVATIONS - I think it's because moderates have been responsible for funneling money to Jihad and leaders of that movement, and because so many of these radicals are hiding in houses of worship, putting everyone peacefully worshiping at risk. That is why I don't agree with Obama, as radicals look at it as a triumph, to be in the same place that they staged the attack by going unnoticed by other sincere worshipers.
Edit8:15 pm
@trench hcnert@ - @CREATIVE INNOVATIONS So, punish the many because of the few?
8:26 pm
Adam S. - I think you will find Israeli sympathizers in congress are fronting this debate
8:33 pm
CREATIVE INNOVATIONS - No, but they are doing the same thing with C.A.I.R. facilities, using them to meet and connect and train. I just think we're giving up more ground that we took back from activities like that. It is one thing to do it covertly in the U.S. and be found out, it is another to use our religious freedoms and tolerance, as they already did, to set up shop to do it again.
Edit8:41 pm
@trench hcnert@ - @CREATIVE INNOVATIONS You do realize that laundry mattes have been Mafioso fronts since the 1920's, right? Crime Bosses have assailed this country many times over... yet, we still have laundry mattes. And you can rest assured that if you walk into any one of them, randomly, there is most likely no Godfather-esque activity happening in a back room.
8:51 pm
CREATIVE INNOVATIONS - Yeah, but I guess the mob hasn't capped 3,000 innocent people at one time... usually only Hitler and people like that fall into those categories, which is why they're called T-E-R-R-O-R-I-S-T-S !
Edit8:55 pm
CREATIVE INNOVATIONS - Your post sucks... in no way can you compare terrorists to the Salem Witch Trials.
Edit8:56 pm


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