Sunday, January 9, 2011



GA needs to watch who is spending their money, and what they're spending their money on: TAXPAYERS BEWARE!! The scariest thing that I saw was Roy Barnes getting an endorsement by only around 10-15 law enforcement people, mostly retired, who support Obama's Reconciliation bill-H.R. 4872, for the expansion of Thomson prison to house terrorists on U.S. soil, just so they can get more money at their county jails for generic pills! Less people working = more people in prison, and for each person in jail, it costs taxpayers $60,000 each to house them for an entire year!

Not only this, but Barnes thinks JOBS will be generated by paying $3,000 a pop+ for abortions, so then the aborted bodies can be sold for stem cell research... hey, how much is a dead fetus going for these days? I guess if you consider it an organ, if it cannot survive outside the womb on its own, then maybe it goes for the price of a kidney or an eye! This is not only the most morally depraved way to pitch making money, it's also a FACT that stem cells harvested from aborted fetuses that are used to make vaccines cause autism, cancer, and genetic rejection side effects. Stem cells have ONLY been proven to be successful in organ regeneration and certain experimental AIDS vaccines. This means that MS, diabetes, and a whole host of chronic diseases can’t be treated with a magic shot of stem cells without terrible side effects, and nothing can replace good nutrition, rest, stress management, and good lifestyle choices for total well-being.

While Barnes openly supports the pro-abortion/ flimflamming Obama agenda, Karen Handel covertly supports it as well, as she is not a REAL CONSERVATIVE, but an impeccable liar! She’s the one that should have an open federal investigation against her for failing to collect 25% of tax revenue while GA’s operating in the red, and why she failed to charge former Sheriff Victor Hill with misappropriation when county funds went missing from him gambling them away in the stock market. Instead, she padded the numbers until Perdue confronted her, as Hill was double dipping from the county funds and from seized drug money to gamble the stocks while ‘supposedly’ manning the jail. YEAH, I know WHO YOU ARE, Victor Hill, and I don’t forget! Karen Handel had the audacity to ask lobbyists to pay $300 per badge per year, instead of doing her job to collect tax revenue and failed as the head of the Ethics Department to stop Clayton County and DeKalb County from straining the state budget!! This was her big idea, to charge it to the lobbyists when GA fell behind the 8 ball, when bonds weren’t getting that lucrative flow of drug money anymore! Karen Handel failed to supervise Clayton County, and when I had to file a complaint with Perdue about my constitutional rights being violated, Clayton County was investigated, and they were ordered by Superior Court to burn over $12 million in drugs that were backlogged in the evidence room, and the FBI discovered a backlog of weapons that would’ve made Manuel Noriega proud:
ALL YOU LAID OFF TEACHERS need to thank KAREN HANDEL for your lack of jobs!! Karen Handel’s liberal stance on IVF treatments will make breeding a taxable profession, and with her campaign money, she is sure to become not just the female contender, but OCT-O-MOM for Governor! Karen Handel does support the Reconciliation bill, because she supports IVF.
You need to know the positions the candidates have, not just what party they are in! With Karen Handel being infertile and then having that many children at one time would surely hinder her ability to put GA’s jobs first, as if she ever did that, as unemployment has held steady under her watch and her lack of accounting for waste, her not preventing fraud, and her failure to prosecute abuse put us in this mess!

Please tell me why her ad says that Deal spent all of our tax dollars.... ON WHAT?! He doesn’t support the Reconciliation bill as written, and there is a replacement bill that’s being considered now for an extra withholding for insurance premiums and an open bid for an insurance company to take up offering an insurance product THAT IS PAID FOR and optional through tax deduction or government check withholding, or employee optional withholding.

Certainly, Nathan Deal wouldn’t still be around for 2 decades later, if he wasn’t doing his job, so I’m telling Karen Handel to not just get a handle on herself, but GET A GRIP: IT’S ALREADY BEEN BROUGHT’N!! Take your same little IHOP speech about fiscal responsibility and 21st century focus down the road, because you’re preaching to the choir!!

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