Sunday, January 9, 2011



WHAT IS "THE SYNTHESIS"? The synthesis is an objective analysis of political journalism, an assessment of the perception of the facts, a political digest for the common man. DISCLAIMER: IF YOU'RE IGNORANT, A HYPOCRITE, OR NOT A FAN OF RAW JOURNALISM, THIS MAY NOT BE FOR YOU, AND YOU SHOULD JUST STOP READING NOW AND DELETE THIS, NOT SEND ME AN EMAIL BACK WHINING ABOUT IT, BECAUSE YOU'RE JUST GOING TO GET IT FORWARDED BACK TO YOUR OWN BOX --- just ask Carolyn Cary of "The Citizen" Fayette Edition! There are no spam laws in GA, and just because I use my freedom of speech in a way that challenges you doesn't necessarily mean anything in a court of law, or by you threatening to send me a summons in the mail just because your sensibilities are different than mine: it doesn't make me "scum"; it just makes your political philosophy as stale and decrepit as your existence and attitude....(if you're curious, see the archive at the end of this edition.) I have even found that those in law enforcement are seemingly oblivious to our current laws and how the laws are supposed to be interpreted properly by and through the Constitution, so I encourage you to exercise your rights, before they disappear from American culture. You don't have to write a newsletter like this one, but you surely can forward it to your friends, and you can even talk about it around the water cooler!! This publication is brought to you by people like us, who seek out the truth, an online collaboration of discussion topics for your perusal. *If you're being threatened with legal action for telling the truth, you're on the right side of the law*.

While the Press went on summer vacation, as I didn’t see Rachel Maddow puckering up since I blasted her for this:

I can honestly say that they did not use the 2 months that I afforded them w/o interjection to report on the most relevant stories to the common man. I do see a change in tone though, as even Chuck Todd is now registering on the “MOSTLY TRUE” TRUTH-O-METER about the mood of the country. I guess he gave up his spot to Rachel Maddow, and opted to at least make the needle move a little:THAT THEY DO NOT LIKE IT OR WANT IT:


Even the most liberal youth of my generation, even the most pontificated
Democrats, with their political designation on their Facebook profile, were willing to put aside religious discussions about Bible verses to at least humor me about the dire facts of the deficit and what we’re facing in the next 20-30yrs. if we don’t reform health care CORRECTLY:

After all of the discussions, it’s not rocket science to realize that our country has gotten into debt because we spend more than we bring in. Nothing could be more true when it comes this, than GA Republican candidate for Governor Karen Handel losing her lead to Nathan Deal, because at least 2,500 or more GA voters recognize that she did not collect 25% of state sales tax revenue from local businesses, (trying to pad her votes as much as she did the GA budget) and how she failed to charge former Sheriff Victor with misappropriation:

AND remember it’s all about Karen, campaign gear... I guess the money had to come from somewhere to print these... :

While I wasn’t lobbying hard core, like I was before the end of the GA Legislative Session, I was reading a book by Dr. Weil called “Why Our Health Matter Matters”
A good friend of mine who lived a full life owning his own paving business, never let the fact that he had polio or walked with cane interfere with him having a family or accomplishing his dreams. He was born just before the era of the polio vaccine. We always discussed government conspiracy theories, and he would always ask me about natural health alternatives, as this was during the time that I worked for GNC. One of his favorite quotes was “Nothing from nothing, is nothing...” and he told me that the biggest problem that he saw with his own race was that black people always wanted something for nothing. Needless to say, there’s just not another person like him!

While he did not disagree with entitlements and social reform spawned from the original work and era of THE BLACK PANTHERS, which championed social justice of times he shared with me,

he did say that it was black peoples’ attitudes nowadays that was leading to the decline of their race, and this attitude that they were entitled based solely on race. In other words, we are all American by birth, no matter what our race if we were born here and taught about the Constitution, and we need to separate racial politics from real social reform:

I would like for you to copy and paste this newsletter to your friends, to raise awareness as to how we can create a program to cover the uninsured, while at the same time addressing entitlement reform. I think we’re so over the Obama Administration’s attempt at addressing the economy and denying that that the lack of job creation is due to the higher taxes imposed by a health care bill no one really wants!! Now that August has come, I see Congressional newsletters of Democrats back peddling because their constituents have filled their ears up with complaints about the lack of jobs and that they’re worried the health care bill is not what it’s purported to be when “THE SUMMER OF RECOVERY” dared to venture into territory of “THE SUMMER OF MINI-ECONOMIC RELAPSE”:
Why is this a jobless recovery with 25 million people out of work? It’s because of uncertainty about the Reconciliation Act of 2010:


While Obama is definitely right about the urgency to tackle health reform, (as costs are exorbitantly high and we have no program for the uninsured), if we do not create a program to cover the uninsured or reform health care, we will add another $3 trillion to the deficit! The cost of not reforming health care over the next decade will double, adding half of the current deficit, to the $13 trillion dollar deficit, and if we do nothing about it now, half of the deficit by 2020 is projected to be nothing but health care debt: created by 20 years of unwise Congressional spending and legislation, a whopping $20 trillion dollars in the red!

It is not enough to say to the Federal Reserve to print more money for a bailout when the cost of food and gas are inflated, and since we’re a global economy that enjoys fiat, meaning that the American dollar is the only currency that is backed by the government who can write own notes, and while this is a supreme position of financial power and financial and influence, this also makes us vulnerable to attack from other countries who covet our position and status. Essentially, if you control the value of the American dollar, by buying up gold, property, or investments backed by gold, you have the power to control the global economy, and depending on how much you have, it’s like using reigns on a horse. The more wealth you have, the more you control sectors of society, like strings of puppets. I have seen Obama depicted as Puppet Master, but the true Master of Money is the person who is the wealthiest in gold, American property, and investments. While it is true that Obama has written a lot of blank checks, in 2004it was estimated that the government has 261,007,000,000 ounces of gold/$2,800 per ounce, so the gold value was $730,819,600,000 with $733,170,953,704 American dollars in circulation, which leaves $730,086,429,046,296, or about $730 trillion dollars in reserve.

If we were to sell off our gold to pay down the deficit, the United States is only then worth around $700 trillion dollars. With our current financial problems and people being unemployed, the government is not collecting any real tax revenue from 25 million people over the past 2-3yrs. Qualified unemployment recipients who receive $800 per month cost the government $20,000,000,000/$20 billion per month, and in one year $240,000,000,000,000/$240 billion, so for 3yrs. of unemployment that comes to an ungodly $720,000,000,000/$720 billion dollars, which by the end of this year will add $1 trillion to the deficit! The government can’t tax it’s own money, or make enough back off of taxes from unemployment checks, as it was a government pay-out to begin with! The government gives out close to $1 trillion and gets back only 1/10. The government is essentially loaning out money that was paid in by taxpayers, getting $100,000,000,000/$100 billion in revenue back for $1 trillion paid out.

Continuing this disastrous trend with unemployment will add to the deficit at nearly the same rate as the health care debt, which would put the projected deficit to then $25 trillion. Within the next 30-50 years, just with unemployment pay-outs and health care costs, the deficit will consume the entire value of gold that backs the U.S. dollar, and we’ll be penniless and gold-less, and we’ll have no capital to loan or be able to loan to other countries! Whoever buys our gold will essentially be buying our debt! Even if we used the tax revenue generated off of unemployment checks, that $100 billion, and bought gold with it, we would only add $35 million and some back, which won’t make but $142 million over the next 12 years to offset trillions of dollars spent on unemployment and health care!

So folks, this is where the rubber meets the road: health care has been so high that people have been having to choose between their health or having a roof over their head, a car to drive, and food in their stomachs. This is the main reason the I.R.S. disagrees with Obama’s wage control plan to levy the taxes to pay for health care, as even the I.R.S. knows that even if you took in more taxes to pay for a new health care program for the uninsured, Obama’s legislation fails to deal with the costs of MEDICARE/MEDICAID rising, along with private sector premiums and out-of-pocket costs, so the money it costs to treat the uninsured being used as tax write-offs for hospitals would only address one kink in the hose, like putting a band-aid on a gaping wound that really needs stitches: there are 25 million unemployed who may or may not return to work, but there are really 3 groups of people who make up the uninsured bracket of society. Illegals make up 12 million, 10 million Americans don’t have any insurance, and the other 25 million will get insurance at another job when they return to work or the ones who remain unemployed will be dropped from COBRA. Those who are insured now pay 8% higher premiums, as the hospitals charge insurance companies a percentage to offset the cost of operation for treating those not insured. Now with higher unemployment, insurance companies have jacked up their rates because of a lower pool for their policy.

The question is, why has universal care not worked for MA? MA is now carrying a deficit, against federal law, as universal care does not cover the cost of disability or address the costs of the aging population. MA’s premiums only went down $230 per year/per person, with much higher taxes, running a deficit, AND they STILL put disability appropriations on the chopping block, though that still didn’t stop their deficit or really improve care, lower premium costs substantially, or even offset medical costs to balance their budget. Universal care just shuffles federal money out around the state, and it fails to deal with the cost issues of elderly care or special needs. Which is why C.B.O. numbers are b.s.!

Keeping all of these things in mind of what we can’t keep doing and what has proven not to work, we can’t just do it Obama’s way to our country’s own undoing! America will meet her demise at Obama’s hand if we blindly follow him like sheep to the slaughter! We are to be wise as serpents, but harmless as doves, and while we’ve got to reform health care and do it N-O-W, even tort reform won’t stop this health care abyss!

As a lobbyist in GA in over the past 8 months, I have conferred with Republicans to give approval to fund H.R. 3200, H.R. 3400, H.R. 1200 (striking the mandate clause), and H.R. 3962 with much revision. I addressed committee members to agree to compromise with health care reform, and I garnered Republican concession to accept passage of 3 Democrats’ bills to their 1 bill, with the condition that H.R. 3590 be tabled until it could be revised to address cost issues effectively. The bill was so bad, it was written by Rangel, and it was determined in committee to be a conflict of interest, and I actually believe that Obama was so jealous that I prompted legislators to support this compromise, that it trumped anything he’d ever done in 10yrs. voting present in the Senate, so he refused to have Pelosi support convening on H.R. 3590, which would’ve gotten the bill thrown out entirely over ethical challenge, and he took it upon himself to write another version of it, H.R. 4872/the Recon. Act of 2010, and they used deem and pass to usurp the will of the American people, as the majority of Americans rejected it, as the majority of Americans rejected insurance mandating, federal funding of abortion, cutting $500 billion from from MEDICARE, and funding Thomson prison to house terrorists with pharmaceutical contracts for generic pills to medicate everyone into compliance, (to get them hooked on pills so they need an insurance contract!) I suggest you read the legislation for yourself, and all you have to do is read the first 150 pgs. of H.R. 4872 to see how the health care law is interpreted and will be applied in conjunction with the other bills, which sucks!

We must repeal H.R. 4872 for those reasons listed above, as those are legitimate concerns that revoke Obama’s promise of insuring the uninsured. None of that legislation pays for itself... where is the money coming from --- a $13 trillion dollar deficit?! Cutting $500 billion from MEDICARE will only make MEDICARE costs skyrocket and appropriate $500 billion divided by 47 million uninsured is like the government paying one $10 copay for a general doctor visit, and that’s it! Plus if abortion funding is not struck, that will cost $3 billion or more per year! I worked on revising this health care legislation for 3 months straight, so much so, I felt my legs were shackled to my parents’ computer desk. I would spend up to 18 hours a day some days on the computer, reading bills over 2,000 pages long, making revisions, and then taking an hour to email the entire Senate and an entire day to email the House of Representatives. I made a promise to investors to protect the stock market from this legislation, I promised business owners who were still left that taxes wouldn’t close down their business in this unprofitable economy, and I promised Obama I would turn over every abortion clinic for misappropriation if an amendment was not passed.

While I became certain we could not reform health care Obama’s way and that the law needs to be repealed before it becomes budgetary law before August 9th, 2010, I see that neither the Dems or Repubs know how to fix the problems that they’ve created and failed to govern judiciously, both sides offering inadequate solutions, with Dems offering the most undesirable solution that they’re forcing everyone to do, though their reckless spending and tripling the deficit in less than 2yrs. has increased the desperation that has made health care reform a 9-1-1 emergency! It’s weird: instead of doing their jobs to govern wisely, they’ve spent all of our tax dollars and then used that as the very reason to tax us more and pass more legislation that will tax us to death! Obama gave out a lot of money, but he didn’t tell you he’d try to recoup it with 4 new taxes on the middle class!

I was sure that repealing the bill would prevent further economic disaster, and selling insurance across state lines would help everyone, but no one had a vision of what the future American health care should look like, until I read “Why Our Health Matters” by Andrew Weil, M.D. In this book, Weil establishes medical standards that come from years of experience in conventional and non-conventional medicine, and a blue print for a system that will work in favor of the health of our nation, with health equaling wealth! It also gives a structural delegation of duties that will accomplish what Obama’s czar disciples can’t do, as a small group overseeing the entire state of the American public health. While Weil’s book was loaded with reliable facts, figures, history, and even structural system reform, it still did not tell how to measurably bring cost down or how to implement technology for our benefit to be cost effective. However, this book inspired me to discuss it with my peers, and while some are still holding out hope for Social Security, I have my own legislation to bring to the table. It’s very simple, I wrote it on half a sheet of paper with a marker, but I guarantee that it’s better than anything Obama, Congress, or the I.R.S. thought of to rectify cost issues. The C.B.O. can estimate that costs may go down some, but the C.B.O. can’t tell us how to get there or how to walk it out; however, I can.

I , Aja Brooks, would like to introduce a bill _______ for a National Health Insurance Plan, outsourced to __________. The purpose of this bill is to provide insurance for the uninsured, in the event their state has no program in their budget, or if they can’t attain MEDICAID or have been rejected by other private sector insurance companies. Monthly insurance premiums will be federally subsidized, as optional health coverage available through selecting an additional withholding on your W-4/corresponding tax forms. A National Health Advisory Council will be in charge of overseeing this program, who will interact with State Insurance Commissioners and ____________ outsourced insurance company. The National Health Advisory Council will not be a government position; doctors will submit a recommendation to a Senate committee nominating 10 most qualified doctors or influential health professionals from their field. The 10 most nominated will be the council. The Council will establish a Constitution to uphold the Hippocratic Oath and establish its own rules for terms of service and rules of operation.

The I.R.S. expansion will remain the same as in H.R. 4872, but the I.R.S. will have 3 new departments: wage division, premium division, and records division. The I.R.S. will do what it does best, collecting and recording accurate monetary and related information, and they will do do so by using the taxpayer ID# as a person’s National Health Insurance number. This way, the I.R.S. will be able to easily assess and collect information having to review and substantiate gazillions of 1099 forms, and without having to harass or hunt people down, the I.R.S. would be the only entity to have access to private medical data through use of the Tax ID number, which will track and compile medical data as soon as we add it for hospitals to submit it for billing/tax purposes.

The I.R.S. will analyze all Tax ID claims, those who have opted-in to National Health Insurance, and track the costs to those under other insurance, and also track the costs of those who refuse health insurance and compile it for an annual report for Congress. Congress could then accurately assess medical costs, with the I.R.S. curtailing fraud, and simplify billing for hospitals for those who can’t pay their bills. The computer system will work for Tax ID number only, to eradicate those who don’t pay taxes/to clearly count taxpayers’ contributions, in order to address illegal immigration as a separate cost issue that amnesty would not rectify. Billing pages will say NO TAX ID NUMBER/employer address for those who are illegal or employer tax ID#.

The I.R.S. and government can’t oversee every minute financial transaction to ensure taxes are being properly reported and not misrepresented, but they can more fairly tax, properly appropriate, and identify fraud easier with improved and accurate TAX-ID data based info. That way, it would be easier to extend tax cuts or credits to those who have large medical bills, and give a stimulus check to those who stay in good health and aren’t abusing their body or the system.

Funding for the new I.R.S. data base Tax ID# health information will cost_________. All health care providers must participate or license to practice will be revoked. Records must be submitted when patient information is taken in for admission or appointment.

Those who receive Social Security checks or unemployment checks have the option to opt-in on their forms by asking for additional withholding. This bill extends coverage to those under-insured, most of the uninsured who receive government checks, and those who are unemployed will be added to their yearly federal income taxes/that will be offset when they become employed and file their W-4 over again.

This bill excludes illegal immigrants, for the National Health Insurance Plan, as they do not possess a TAX ID number unless they are claimed as a dependent under an optional employer withholding for workman’s compensation insurance only, once we can accurately assess medical costs by TAX ID #, then we can effectively determine the costs and amount of medical services used by illegals, as to levy a tax of 3%, or require an ID card where they must pay 10% sales tax. The I.R.S. and ICE will partner to manage those claims filed that have the listing as NO TAX ID NUMBER, and the I.R.S. will determine legal work status and recommend deportation if necessary. If an illegal needs care, they must put their employer’s TAX ID NUMBER on the claim, so that withholding can be investigated by the I.R.S., and if they do not work, the spouse or head of household must disclose the employer’s TAX ID#.

While this bill is just a simple readjustment of how we do things, it may be amended or modified to fit legislative language and action as appropriate.


The stem cells from aborted bodies used to mass manufacture vaccines or to treat diabetes, MS, or AIDS have not been successful; however, aborted stem cells have been proven to cause rejection as manifesting in intestinal inflammation, autism in a certain percentage of vulnerable people, or causing cancer!

The government does not care if aborted stem cells give you autism or cancer, as long as they get their money back by turning you into a cash cow for insurance companies with chemotherapy treatments, which you may or may not survive, and that’s way more services are covered under Obama’s health plan, and while they are not totally curative, in the sense that you could still die from the treatment.



Basically, the use of stem cells is like cloning, but you’re manipulating naturally present cells to make a complete organ by harvesting them from an aborted fetus. I guess Roy Barnes is like Obama, and they think that this is REDEMPTION or RAISING THE DEAD...
while using stem cells may work with some organs and a few vaccines, the side effects from general injections when it’s made from the stem cells of aborted fetuses (hence mass produced), aren’t even worth my mother’s best friend undertaking stem cell injections for MS, even though she’s been confined to a wheelchair for 30yrs.! After all of the suffering of Prednisone prescribed for MS, the last risk she wanted to take was to contract cancer or some other side effects that would make life even more difficult. Again, Bromelain (pineapple) is showing great progress in treating MS patients in reducing inflammation w/o the harmful effects of a potent steroid, like Prednisone. Other natural treatments and cures are being overlooked and going unfunded by the ‘unfunded health care mandate’, so how is it really health care then?!!

For example, DMSO, which has been used in Mexico and has proven to cure cancer isn’t even being covered or considered under Obama’s bill, H.R. 4872:

Have you ever heard of a "P.E.T. Scan?" When using a PET Scan a technician will give a cancer patient a solution of radioactive glucose (i.e. a radioactive tracer or tagged glucose). Since cancer cells consume 15 times more glucose than normal cells, the cancer cells will absorb 15 times more of this radioactive glucose than normal cells.
The result is that when they do the PET Scan the cancer cells show up in the X-Ray.
Orthodox medicine thus knows how to target cancer cells. If orthodox medicine were truly interested in curing cancer, don't you think they would look for ways to "tag" glucose in such a way that the glucose targeted cancer cells and killed them? In other words, don't you think orthodox medicine would look for a way to target cancer cells with the intent to kill the cancer cells rather than simply have them show up on an X-Ray?
Such a cancer treatment does exist!! But rather than use glucose it uses DMSO (Dimethylsulfoxide). Essentially:
1) The DMSO "binds" to (i.e. chemically attaches to) certain kinds of chemotherapy drugs, then
2) The DMSO (which always targets cancer cells) will target the cancer cells, and
3) The DMSO will drag the chemotherapy into the cancer cells, and
4) The chemotherapy (which is now able to target cancer cells) will kill the cancer cells.
Normally, chemotherapy targets "fast-growing" cells, meaning normally chemotherapy does NOT target cancer cells. But wih this treatment chemotherapy targets only cancer cells. Only very small doses of chemotherapy are needed and there are no side-effects from the chemotherapy since all of the chemotherapy targets cancer cells.
There was actually a medical doctor who used this DMSO / chemotherapy treatment (i.e. which I call "DMSO Potentiation Therapy"). But rather than give that medical doctor the Nobel Prize for curing cancer, the FDA raided his office and shut him down permanently.
A Brief Introduction to DMSO

The orthodox medical community claims to be looking for a "magic bullet" that helps chemotherapy target cancer cells. Why is finding a "magic bullet" so important?
Chemotherapy does not target cancer cells, and because of this, chemotherapy:
1) Kills far more normal cells than cancer cells, and
2) Damages and toxifies many of the normal cells that do survive.
Thus, if a substance could be found that helps chemotherapy target cancer cells, FAR LESS chemotherapy would be needed and the patient would have VIRTUALLY ZERO SIDE-EFFECTS from chemotherapy. This is both because less chemotherapy would be needed and because only the cancer cells would be affected by the chemotherapy, meaning normal cells would not be damaged and killed by chemotherapy!!!!!
In addition to all of this, if such a substance were found and used the "true cure rate" for orthodox medicine would rise from 3% to above 90%!! Most cancer patients die because of the complications of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Because of the way chemotherapy works, doctors cannot give enough chemotherapy to cure cancer because the patient would die from the side-effects BEFORE the cancer was cured. A "magic bullet" would solve all of these problems.
If such a "magic bullet" were used FIRST by orthodox medicine, meaning the cut/burn/slash treatments were avoided (except in rare cases where there is imminent danger from a tumor blocking fluids or pressing against something), a 90% true cure rate would be easy to achieve. In fact, with alternative medicine, for those people who know what they are doing, a 90% cure rate, by those who avoid orthodox medicine, is very easy to achieve. Orthodox medicine could do the same thing if they found and used a magic bullet.
But the fact of the matter is that the leaders in the medical community have absolutely no interest in finding a "magic bullet." A "magic bullet" would cost the drug companies hundreds of billions of dollars, patients would have less hospitalization, less doctor visits, etc. The fact is, no one wants a "magic bullet" to be found. The evidence that this is true is that two "magic bullets" are already known to exist, but no one is using them except for a handful of doctors.
Because the government can't patent it and make money off of it, they'd rather see you pay up and die from chemo! There is no reason to massively fund stem cell research when the risks outweigh the benefits to the quality of life of the patient. It is unethical to say the least, and it is despicable for our government to think they can get a cut off of deciding who lives and who dies!!

The purpose of this is to show you why our medical costs are so high as is, and why the state should be in charge of our health care system, and to provide you a way to create a new system of health care without Obama bankrupting it and the whole country right along with it!! Join me in telling Obama that we're passing up the sh*t pie that he's been serving us about this health care legislation H.R. 4872, and that WE SHOULDN'T BE FORCED TO EAT SOMETHING WE DON'T WANT TO EAT OR BE TOLD THAT WE WILL HAVE TO EAT IT ANYWAY! WE DON'T NEED OBAMA TO GO CAMPAIGNING TO CONVINCE US OF SOMETHING WE NEVER WANTED IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!

To quote Andrew Weil, an actual M.D., (not Obama who is a Harvard-lawyer-suck@ss-post-turtle President who knows nothing about health care): "I now understand that when you lose your health, nothing else that you have matters. All you can think about is being well again... I have long taught that health is an individual responsibility. It is up to you to learn how to maintain it and protect your body's potential for self-healing as you go through life. No doctors, no treatments, no system can do this for you or force you to do it on your own."

In other words, Obama is not going to show up every day at your house to make you shoot a game of one-on-one! Mrs. Obama with her fanatical diet that she has her own daughters on, or any fad diet is no substitute for good nutrition and won't make up for the fact that you don't exercise 30min.-1hr. daily.

Translation: Obama is not the captain of my vessel! I am, and I make the decisions regarding my health, and ultimately I control the costs. What we need is not a political solution or a taxpayer-funded Obama pet project for Thomson prison DISGUISED AS HEALTH CARE OR HEALTH CARE REFORM, but something taking into account a person's body has the ability to heal itself. 80% of people worldwide use nutritional/natural therapy, something that is neglected in our society that depends on commercialized food production. While everyone else uses natural foods and plants as a form of medicine and treatment, as this is the Native American way, the old ways long lost in a blur of technology and the modern world. This knowledge is buried by what we're told is relevant and cutting edge.

This kind of medicine is available to you at low-cost, and it has been around for centuries! Ever since the Civil Rights movement, people have had access to a public library and now computer archives to be able to educate themselves about nutrition and vitamins/supplements.
Yet over the past 50yrs. with this knowledge of caring for ourselves readily available for us to ascertain, we have failed to use it to protect ourselves from government and lobbying making a big business out of health insurance, which has only been around since the 60's. Out of 50yrs. of having health insurance, health insurance is one of the worst creations of lobbying! Sin and corruption are expensive! We now act like it's been around since the dawn of time, and we're deluded into thinking that health insurance is like full coverage car insurance, when you're paying full price, (enough to employ someone being paid minimum wage for a whole year to work in health insurance), but walking away with only liability coverage!!

I ask you: why should we continue to pay the federal government any more money to do what they've failed to do anyway, which is regulate the monopolies and unethical practices of health insurance companies?? Why should they? Their incentive is to do nothing to hinder the billions of dollars that Americans spend on prescription pills, even though it is equivalent to licensed drug-pushing, and the government wants even more of that money, through lobbying and no safer drug regulations....

instead of going to an illegal dealer, people now exploit the medical community and vice versa, with the medical community prescribing things that people really don't need and people serving their addictions through insurance co-pays.

We need to permit states to be in charge of health care, on a local basis and permit them to govern accordingly!

*We need to clarify what seems to be lost by the Obama agenda, as the Declaration of Independence means that no one can deprive you of your inalienable rights to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness. While the intention of our Constitution is "to promote the general Welfare", promoting is a lot different than providing for the general Welfare. We are to encourage and empower people to be independent and to care for themselves, not provide for their basic needs and fail to teach them how to care for themselves. Losing your health restricts your freedom just as much as incarceration, but Obama's bill puts the federal government as the final say of who lives or dies and deprives us of our basic right to health care choices by depriving us economically through outrageous taxes and stealing what we've worked so hard to earn.
*Even non-profit health organizations will be taken down by costs, take Atlanta's Grady for example. We have to be able to provide services to larger populations in certain areas, something that federally-controlled funding won't allow for, and where Grady would pick up the slack, Grady will do more than buckle under the costs that will go up with these tax increases!
*States have done an excellent job of providing for hospice care and emergency trauma care, but our life span is really only 60yrs. in the face of chronic disease and costs to state budgets. We're doing better at managed care for chronic disease, but we're not curing or healing it. Those like me, who have lived to 30, may feel like we're really 50 as we've lived half our life at current life expectancy. States spend too much on chronic disease treatments when we're ranked 29th for infant mortality, due to not enough emphasis on nutrition and prevention of STD's. The federal government can't decide how to appropriate state funds, according to the needs of the people, which is what state government is for anyway!
*We have good outpatient services, we're good with replacing physical parts on the body, and we're good on saving babies from complicated birth. We also have enhanced imaging techniques, some available to us by use of state grants. For all that we do right with our state governing, we need to govern ourselves better!
*The federal government isn't going to do that, no amount of money we give them will enlist them to be our personal trainer and nutritionist. No amount of money we give them will educate us about our bodies, and educated patients live longer, are healthier and productive taxpayers, and they don't pose a liability on state budgets. (For example, I have not had health insurance for right at 7yrs., so Georgia has saved $53,200 in not having to pay my insurance premiums. In essence, even though the year that I was incarcerated cost them $60,000 for an unconstitutional arrest, I had paid them for my stay between 2 county jails by not asking them to pay for my health care, because I learned to care for myself. By next year, me and the state of Georgia will be even, and I expect them to stay off my back for living like a pauper for 3yrs. as a result of it! Technically, since I've paid in taxes for 13yrs. of my adult life and not gotten state aid or welfare, they owe me for consulting my wisdom and me lobbying to save them money! Yet that is what we do as citizens, we make things better, and we leave a legacy for others to follow.)
*States need to set the rules for costs of treatments, services, and drugs based on a federal standard. So far, Obama's legislation is hopeful at best, and fails to specifically standardize medical care. It is too much like wishful thinking than it is practically applied law. The federal government should permit insurance to be sold across state lines, and should not impinge upon peoples' rights to allow them to treat themselves with natural therapies by forcing them to pay for insurance they don't want or won't use.
*States need to be in control of studies and pharmacy licensing, and hold companies and doctors accountable. Some scream about malpractice costs rising to where 50% of doctors will leave the profession, but no industry, especially one in the name of health should be so greedy as to keep people just sick enough that they need pills, but just well enough to keep working just to keep buying those pills. The state has the power to step in and keep its citizens from becoming nothing but functional addicts in a failed medical care system.
*The federal government should not be in charge of ordering if people should or shouldn't have mammograms. If you have no family history of breast or lung cancer, mammograms have been shown to actually cause cancer, and so have CT scans! The government shouldn't order you to have a risky test that could cause cancer, just so they can make money off of you being sick!! No government entity should legally enforce unnecessary, inconclusive testing, or treatments that cause more stress and anxiety, which are only used to prevent malpractice, not diagnose or develop treatments!
*The federal government is already allowing drugs to be prescribed without the proper studies, and if this was regulated by states, this would be a lot safer! WHY HEALTH CARE COSTS ARE SO HIGH NOW AND HOW WE CAN BRING COSTS DOWN:

*We don't really have a health-care system now, we have a dysfunctional disease management system which employs insurance agents as middlemen to be debt managers of our health care debtor system, which instead of having actual insurance, we have collection agencies who wheel and deal and give us special deals for paying their wages and monthly rent.
*The patient-doctor relationship is strained now because of health insurance companies and pharmaceuticals in that selection of treatment/reimbursement policies are dictated by them and not solely by the judgment or experience of the practitioner. Essentially, when someone goes to see a doctor, they are employing and paying people they never physically see: an insurance agent, a pharmaceutical representative, and someone who keys in their paperwork that isn't actually their doctor. We can simplify paperwork, but what Obama wants to do doesn't go far enough. He doesn't even have the standardized forms or what will go on them yet, but according to him and Harry Reid, they want to retro-actively tax you for these services that you haven't even used yet.
*We have to shift our goal to not being one of disease intervention, but to health promotion and disease prevention. While we may be nailing down different strains of HPV, cancer, or some other disease, it would be better for people to maintain wellness throughout their lives rather than live with chronic disease, which make up 75%-80% of all health care costs! It would certainly be better to be well and prevent disease and viruses from mutating than to continue in constant crisis mode.
*We have got to realize that the root of all chronic disease that causes cancer, R.A., and other costly chronic disease can be prevented and managed with nutrition and exercise, and lifestyle choices, which are all factors that are controlled by the patient, not the doctor and not the treatments or therapies. 1 in 5 people are disabled by arthritis, the leading cause of disability. Our obesity epidemic is the worst in the whole world, and is the precursor to chronic diseases that are the most expensive to manage. We spend $5 billion on treatment of cancer to maybe live 5yrs. more, and then after 5yrs. we're even luckier to live just a little longer. We're spending all that money on treatment and not prevention!!
*We can't just prescribe pills to treat symptoms without solving what's causing the disease, just medicating without really curing disease.
*We're presently incubating the next generation of diabetics in utero... if mothers have high blood sugar and excess weight during pregnancy, a genetic proclivity is created where a child will be diagnosed with diabetes by age 7 !!! This causes a Type 2 generation with a two-fold problem of both diabetes and heart disease, with it setting in 10-15yrs. sooner, increased blindness, kidney disease, and limb amputation.
*70% of people who have health insurance still file for bankruptcy, so we're paying out all that money for nothing for insurance!! Health insurance is the problem and not the solution to bringing costs down. Health insurance problems have caused 90% of people to have no money in their savings, and 50% have quit spending!! These health insurance costs have cut a growing economy in half!! Add an oil spill on top, and you have a sure recipe for a modern day Depression, the likes of which will become like what we've seen of the 30's and 40's, the next decade will be the most disease ridden and unhealthiest we've ever seen!
*Health insurance companies also hurt the growth of companies. Ever wonder why a STARBUCKS is so expensive?? Guess what? I don't even drink that anymore! The chairman of STARBUCKS spends $200 million to insure employees, more than the company spends on coffee! Small businesses have been telling people over the past 5yrs. that they don't have the money to fund a group plan because of the taxes, and small business owners have told employees to buy coverage individually off the internet or get family plans.
*Health insurance shouldn't be profit-driven, but if we spend just 16% of our GDP correctly, we can get the health care we deserve without Obama's plan that still has insurance for profit, medicine in for-profit mode, and the legislation does not nail down how to spend tax dollars correctly to bring down inflated costs from waste, fraud, and abusive practices of government or medicine!
*If we reform malpractice laws, we can reduce cost 10%. All the new legislation does is make the government the lawyer in malpractice suits, and puts a limit on plans and what amounts that you can sue for regarding malpractice, which does little to encourage ethical practices. It's like a slap on the wrist.
*People can't live without consequences: with poor health choices, disease is sure to follow, along with the costs associated with poor health! Doctors can't wave a magic wand to undo the damage you do to yourself, and we're too reliant on their care rather than caring for ourselves.

So while the world didn’t come to end when the Recon. Act of 2010 became budgetary law on 8-9-2010, GA has already approved of two appeal measures to prevent it from wreaking havoc on our state. Missouri, God bless them, tried their best to communicate with Gibbs on the matter, and that didn’t go well a couple of weeks ago. In face, it’s been going so poorly that even AOL featured an article on it:

Has the White House Gone Tone Deaf?

13 hours ago
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On Tuesday, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs wondered aloud (and in print) whether members of the "professional left" -- critical of the Obama administration for not having done enough to advance their agenda -- might perhaps be dipping into a stash of ganja, or happy pills, or both.

"I mean, it's crazy," Gibbs said. "Those people ought to be drug tested." Those kooky outraged liberal naysayers, according to Gibbs, would only be satisfied with Dennis Kucinich installed as commander in chief and Canadian-style (shhh, that's code for "socialist") health care. Personal *relaxation* habits aside, after a week like this one, I'd pose the same question to the White House: Namely, what are y'allsmoking? Whatever it is, it must be strong.

First things first: Gibbs' comments -- frustrated asides that made one heckuva juicy story for one sortapress secretary's resignation, as Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) did. But were they enough for onlookers to slap their foreheads in disbelief, the "D'oh!" heard round the (left-wing) world? Yes. The press secretary's belittling, foolish commentary comes right as the Democrats face a battle to close what pundits like to call the "enthusiasm gap" between liberal and conservative voters ahead of this year's midterm elections. It would have been demoralizing enough if Gibbs had just left Dems with his bons mots from aninterview on "Meet the Press," where he proclaimed, "I think there's no doubt there are enough seats in play that could cause Republicans to gain control." But bashing Obama's base at a time when Democratic congressional candidates need all the support they can muster? Questionable strategy.

And that's not all. On Wednesday, the market hastened its retreat following not-so-great economic news out of Europe and downright worrying news out of China. On Thursday, The New York Times reported that homeowners have simply ceased to pay back billions in home loans, leaving lenders in a lurch. And in an op-ed on Tuesday, columnist Bob Herbert described the U.S. unemployment rate as "a horror show." "The nation is facing a full-blown employment crisis," he wrote. "And policy makers are not responding with anything like the sense of urgency that is needed." This, mind you, is the season the White House has dubbed "Recovery Summer."

If you're generous, you might excuse the administration for this wildly premature branding as simply overzealous optimism. But at a time when the country is quite literally adrift, one has to wonder what travel agent Barack and Michelle might have been consulting when they booked the lavish vacation to Marbella, Spain, for the first lady and her daughter, or their upcoming 10-day sojourn to Martha's Vineyard. My colleague Lynn Sweet got the scoop that part of the rationale for the Mrs. Obama's Spain trip was to be with a grieving friend, to which another one of my colleagues offered, "What happened to baking a pie?" Indeed. Perhaps the only baked goods coming out of the White House kitchen these days are space cakes.

The first family's Vineyard jaunt will come after a much touted "vacation" to the Gulf of Mexico this weekend that will last less than 36 hours. Presumably, the Obama clan will be downing gulf shrimp to prove that it's safe to eat (the president, for his part, must be really tired of shrimp at this point) and splash in the water to show that it is not, in fact, laden with oil. But will this really count, in the eyes of the American public, as a ringing endorsement for gulf tourism? The president is also scheduled to speak with local officials and get an update on the latest recovery efforts in the wake of the BP oil spill -- not exactly vacation fare, but more like a business trip with the kids. The transparency of this Florida photo-op is almost painful when you consider the media (and outrage) that is likely to be generated over the Obamas' coming long, luxurious and presumably golf-filled getaway to the tony Vineyard.

And finally: presidential hubris. The withdrawal of U.S. combat forces in Iraq at the end of this month, and Obama's recent virtual unfurling of a "Mission Accomplished" banner, comes as reports show an Iraqi government woefully unprepared to take over, a country lacking rudimentary infrastructure, a potential resurgence of al-Qaeda in Iraq, and an Iraqi military chief who, on Thursday, suggested that U.S. forces might need to stay in the country for not another year (as is planned), but another decade. And, oh yes, the State Department is $400 million short on the money it needs to even make the draw-down possible. While we'll have a good year to wait and see what actually happens in Baghdad, the White House sure seems like it's setting itself up for a fall.

I'll let recreational stoners off the hook here and just put it out there: What's happening over at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.? For a team that was so incredibly skilled at managing the message and reading the pulse of the country throughout the long, hard campaign slog, it has been weirdly, tragically tone deaf these last few weeks. George W. Bush, not someone known for his nuanced approach to anything, managed to keep his head down during the dark days, clearing brush in Crawford, abstaining from the golf course, and waving goodbye to his wife as she took off on low-cost (and domestic!) camping trips. For a country that's hurt, an economy that's limping, and a base that feels bruised, President Obama and his team would do well to descend from that high horse and put their feet back on the ground.

Follow Alex Wagner on Twitter
Filed Under: Barack Obama, Iraq, Economy, Obama Administration, Unemployment, White House
Tagged: Alan Grayson, AlanGrayson, bob herbert, BobHerbert, marthas vineyard, MarthasVineyard, robert gibbs, RobertGibbs
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I’d like for all of “The Synthesis” readers to turn on their creative mind until November, so that we can make signs, hats, posters, do phone calls, and have meetings and so on. It is not enough to convey to the White House that we are disgruntled with their leadership, we must effectively and peacefully organize to represent the majority of what Americans want went it comes to leadership, and even health care.

Here are some ideas about silent protest. Silent protest encompasses anything with a message that you don’t actually verbalize with your mouth, but that visually catches a person’s eye:

(some of my own personal designs on shirts and clothes)

9-12 head bands, 9-12 pants, American flag shirt, mock leather bomber jacket, etc. To quote a line from a movie, “SYMBOLS ARE MOST EFFECTIVE WHEN THEY ARE SEEN...”

Inundating the White House with phone calls, faxes, and emails really just gives them excuse to stop working, unless you have specifically read the legislation and can tell them which lines you don’t agree with/propose a solution on how to fix it. Yeah, I mean we’re getting the message across with technology, but SEEING is BELIEVING! When 9-12 and Tea Party protesters assembled the morning of the vote on the health care bill, while Nancy Pelosi paraded a gigantic gavel:

The ever-present media of the digital age has failed to capture and has constantly downplayed the rejection of Obama’s policies over the past two years, and the protesting was so loud, it could be heard interrupting the closing arguments before the up or down vote was taken on the health care bill, the shouts were louder than had been heard in 30yrs., THROUGH THE WALLS OF CONGRESS, people could be heard saying “NO HEALTH CARE AS WRITTEN”, “DON’T TREAD ON ME!”, singing, chanting, rattlesnake devices and all.... was it any wonder that all of these people could be heard through the walls?!

America has awoken from a political slumber of 50yrs. to face a tone deaf Congress!

I want to leave you with a couple of political morsels that have shaped local elections from Congress on down this past week...

NOW WITH THAT OUT OF THE WAY, PALIN’S ENDORSEMENT DID LITTLE TO SWAY GA VOTERS TO ELECT KAREN HANDEL FOR GOVERNOR... WHICH IS KIND OF FUNNY, AS IF I WOULD TELL YOU THAT IF STOOD ON STONE MOUNTAIN AND SAID “I CAN SEE ALASKA FROM STONE MOUNTAIN PARK !!” YOU WOULD KNOW THAT I’M BEING FACETIOUS! Unfortunately, the strange thing about Sarah Palin is that we can’t tell the difference between dipsh*t mode and being serious. Which bring me to the 2nd happening this week. The timing of Levi Johnston just could not be better, thank you Levi!

With that, I can certainly say that political relevance is only just another week away... until next time!



12-13-09 EDITION

1-17-2010 EDITION

1-24-2010 EDITION

1-31-2010 EDITION

2-7-2010 EDITION

2-21-2010 EDITION

2-28-2010 EDITION

3-7-2010 EDITION

3-14-2010 EDITION

3-25-2010 EDITION




5-23-2010 : 6 MILLION GALLONS OF OIL LATER... your rights and the government EDITION





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